WEBVTT 00:13.747 --> 00:14.647 As vocational high school, 00:14.647 --> 00:15.548 we value particularly 00:15.548 --> 00:17.884 on the education of skills and profession. 00:18.485 --> 00:20.520 Besides of the ability on general subjects, 00:20.920 --> 00:23.790 we focus more about improving students’ 00:23.790 --> 00:24.557 professional ability, 00:24.557 --> 00:26.426 skills, and practicing ability. 00:33.733 --> 00:35.969 Refrigeration and air-conditioning 00:35.969 --> 00:37.771 is a quite rare industry. 00:38.338 --> 00:40.040 This industry-academia collaboration of refrigeration 00:40.473 --> 00:43.276 aims for the students who are interesting in skills 00:43.276 --> 00:45.578 to provide them an access to it. 00:45.979 --> 00:48.214 For those who are not that good in academic 00:48.648 --> 00:50.350 to have the chance for further education as well. 00:51.951 --> 00:54.187 One has to have the interest in 00:54.187 --> 00:55.922 disassembling things 00:55.922 --> 00:58.425 for there’re a lot of things we need to understand 00:58.792 --> 01:00.427 about their constitution in refrigeration and air-conditioning. 01:00.927 --> 01:01.961 One need to understand that first 01:01.961 --> 01:03.730 to know how these machines work. 01:04.664 --> 01:06.766 The so-called “one-plus-three-plus-four” 01:06.766 --> 01:10.236 means the 6 junior high schools we collaborate with 01:10.236 --> 01:13.907 would send their students to us during weekdays 01:13.907 --> 01:15.608 for skill classes of junior high school. 01:15.775 --> 01:19.012 Then, from the students of these 6 schools, 01:19.212 --> 01:21.948 we’d make the selection according to their aptitude 01:22.115 --> 01:25.151 and let them study in Taichung Industrial High School for 3 years. 01:25.652 --> 01:26.453 During these 3 years, 01:26.453 --> 01:28.655 they’d learn the general subjects 01:28.655 --> 01:30.390 and also the practicing of professional skills. 01:30.390 --> 01:33.126 In the third year, they’d work in the industry. 01:33.526 --> 01:35.261 And after graduation from high school, they’d have 01:35.261 --> 01:37.330 another 4 years of education in Chin-Yi University of Technology. 01:37.330 --> 01:39.599 That’s the “one-plus-three-plus-four.” 01:39.599 --> 01:42.969 A complete education on refrigeration and air-conditioning. 01:44.070 --> 01:44.871 Hello, interviewers, 01:44.871 --> 01:45.605 this is my CV. 01:45.605 --> 01:46.306 Please have a look. 01:47.407 --> 01:48.141 Good. Have a seat, please. 01:48.608 --> 01:49.943 Another point of the system of “one-plus-three-plus-four” 01:49.943 --> 01:52.078 is the matchmaking of students and industry. 01:52.679 --> 01:57.283 We let the students sit and talk to people in the trade. 01:57.417 --> 02:00.086 Students would show their CV to them 02:00.553 --> 02:01.387 and see if they fit. 02:01.387 --> 02:03.523 So, the right of choice is on both side. 02:05.625 --> 02:06.559 Through the matchmaking events, 02:06.559 --> 02:08.027 students get to understand different companies 02:08.261 --> 02:11.030 about their works, training programs, 02:11.231 --> 02:13.600 and their potentials in the future. 02:14.067 --> 02:17.437 I think it helps a lot for my future employment 02:18.938 --> 02:21.508 studying in industry-academia collaboration program. 02:21.508 --> 02:23.843 Because if you don’t work outside 02:23.843 --> 02:25.078 and only stay in school, 02:25.645 --> 02:28.448 you wouldn’t get the chance to really learn those skills. 02:28.648 --> 02:33.119 We want the students to connect with the industry that 02:33.786 --> 02:34.454 they can work right after graduation. 02:34.787 --> 02:37.590 So, we have higher standard in skills. 02:38.525 --> 02:40.360 When I worked as an intern, 02:40.360 --> 02:41.461 my supervisor had 02:41.461 --> 02:42.629 once told me that 02:42.629 --> 02:43.930 usually when the interns came, 02:43.930 --> 02:46.766 they’d need to be guided for about 3 months. 02:46.766 --> 02:48.601 But the interns from our programs 02:48.601 --> 02:51.137 took about only 1 month 02:51.137 --> 02:52.739 to be able to work on our own. 02:52.739 --> 02:53.706 I felt pretty happy. 02:53.706 --> 02:57.076 It’s like an approvement to our work. 02:59.078 --> 03:00.380 These students 03:00.847 --> 03:02.248 also work very hard 03:02.615 --> 03:04.250 and very carefully in their learnings. 03:04.250 --> 03:05.919 We wish to continue and collaborate 03:06.119 --> 03:07.921 with them like this every year 03:08.087 --> 03:10.423 to cultivate more talents in the industry. 03:12.592 --> 03:15.595 I think it’s too late to learn skills in the stage of university. 03:15.895 --> 03:17.897 It’s better to start from high school. 03:17.897 --> 03:18.898 And as for the industry, 03:18.898 --> 03:22.368 there’s a lack of skillful masters in the trade. 03:22.368 --> 03:23.836 Our programs 03:23.836 --> 03:25.104 provide more scientific backgrounds, 03:25.104 --> 03:26.339 and pay more attentions in safety. 03:26.339 --> 03:29.309 The whole working methods are also more valid, 03:29.742 --> 03:32.645 which is exactly what the industry needs. 03:39.852 --> 03:41.588 We are a culinary school. 03:41.754 --> 03:43.656 During their school times, 03:43.656 --> 03:46.259 we cultivate our students with various courses 03:46.559 --> 03:48.194 relating to culinary. 03:48.795 --> 03:51.231 We emphasize the education on methodology. 03:51.231 --> 03:53.433 We don’t tell students they could learn hundreds of dishes. 03:53.433 --> 03:56.402 Instead, we teach them the methods behind the dishes. 03:56.603 --> 03:59.105 Mastering different methods is the key to exercise them. 03:59.806 --> 04:00.240 For pork, 04:00.240 --> 04:01.140 as the internal temperature 04:01.140 --> 04:01.741 reaches about 04:01.975 --> 04:03.509 70℃ means it’s cooked. 04:14.254 --> 04:15.688 For us, the educational restaurant 04:15.688 --> 04:19.192 is a crucial scenario to simulate the real world. 04:19.192 --> 04:20.927 Our students will be in culinary industry. 04:21.261 --> 04:22.462 How much we say 04:22.462 --> 04:23.296 or teach them 04:23.296 --> 04:25.198 can’t compare to bringing them to the frontline. 04:25.965 --> 04:29.802 I’m the intern head waiter in our educational restaurant. 04:30.203 --> 04:33.172 Teachers wouldn’t tell us what to do directly. 04:33.506 --> 04:35.041 They’d observe us from the outside, 04:35.041 --> 04:36.509 watch us solving problems, 04:36.876 --> 04:38.511 and how we lead the juniors 04:38.511 --> 04:40.647 to work in the right ways. 04:40.980 --> 04:42.215 If you’re facing a full house, 04:42.215 --> 04:43.016 and you have only 04:43.016 --> 04:44.017 two big tables left, 04:44.617 --> 04:45.351 you could ask the smaller groups 04:45.351 --> 04:46.419 to wait a little 04:46.419 --> 04:47.420 while you divide the tables, 04:47.420 --> 04:48.554 so that you could sit them accordingly. 04:49.856 --> 04:51.824 Some people from older generation might think that 04:51.824 --> 04:54.661 front of the house is an easy job. 04:54.661 --> 04:56.963 But actually, there’re lots of details to look out for. 04:56.963 --> 04:59.766 Things like the spacing of utensils, 04:59.766 --> 05:02.068 or the comfortable ways to set the tables, 05:02.368 --> 05:04.070 are all related to the service. 05:04.070 --> 05:05.805 It’s something we need to learn. 05:07.307 --> 05:10.677 Hospitality is an industry that changes rapidly. 05:10.677 --> 05:12.478 It’s an industry about people 05:12.812 --> 05:14.447 which requires lots of customer services 05:14.447 --> 05:17.650 and lots of cooperations among the team. 05:17.984 --> 05:21.688 Therefore, for those who work in the field of hospitality, 05:21.954 --> 05:23.523 the most important thing is 05:23.523 --> 05:26.659 whether they know how to work with people. 05:34.467 --> 05:35.468 Get prepared. 05:36.736 --> 05:38.805 My main job in here now 05:38.805 --> 05:40.440 is the expeditor, 05:40.940 --> 05:43.776 who control the orders and deliveries. 05:43.776 --> 05:45.778 I used to be the kind of person 05:46.979 --> 05:48.948 who prefer to be alone. 05:49.282 --> 05:51.184 I like to work with myself. 05:51.317 --> 05:54.053 But the teachers would lead us 05:54.754 --> 05:58.224 to work on the communication with others. 05:58.224 --> 06:00.193 I’ve changed a lot since then. 06:04.297 --> 06:06.599 Culinary in the future would be more delicate, 06:06.599 --> 06:08.301 focusing on the taste, on healthiness, 06:08.835 --> 06:10.837 and also element of surprise. 06:10.837 --> 06:13.072 How we could surprise our customers. 06:13.306 --> 06:15.808 It has to be more cross-border. 06:16.075 --> 06:17.276 Integration 06:17.910 --> 06:20.546 and multi-cultural is the way to go. 06:21.114 --> 06:23.049 In 2015, we started the international program. 06:23.049 --> 06:25.318 We’d arrange visits overseas, 06:25.752 --> 06:28.354 that we’d go to a region, a city 06:29.055 --> 06:31.824 for a long term dept learning 06:31.824 --> 06:34.193 so that we could understand the local culture. 06:34.594 --> 06:36.295 Through these kinds of infusions, 06:36.295 --> 06:39.966 students can also assess their own ability. 06:39.966 --> 06:41.567 They can also have a clearer image 06:42.268 --> 06:44.537 when preparing for their future career. 06:46.239 --> 06:49.442 I visited Swiss in 2017 06:49.442 --> 06:52.745 and also Italy in 2018. 06:53.212 --> 06:53.813 For us, 06:53.813 --> 06:55.548 I believe learning their cultures is very important. 06:55.815 --> 06:57.984 We get to understand the ways they work. 06:58.785 --> 07:01.487 So that when we’re making the same dish, 07:01.487 --> 07:03.623 we can try to bring their flavors into it. 07:04.223 --> 07:05.925 My goal for the future 07:06.592 --> 07:07.627 is to open a restaurant of my own. 07:08.227 --> 07:10.196 And to integrate the ingredients from Taiwan into the dishes. 07:11.831 --> 07:14.233 To learn the culinary skills in the stage of high school, 07:14.467 --> 07:17.136 to understand the reality of the industry, 07:17.603 --> 07:19.071 allows you to have a clear vision of your dream 07:19.071 --> 07:21.941 when you get into the business. 07:24.610 --> 07:25.511 3 years in vocational high school 07:26.345 --> 07:28.481 allowing them to learn the knowledge 07:28.881 --> 07:29.949 and the skills very solidly 07:29.949 --> 07:30.817 and knowing how to exercise them. 07:31.217 --> 07:33.052 So that they can integrate 07:33.052 --> 07:34.153 and practice things from different disciplines. 07:34.654 --> 07:36.956 This is the talent we want in vocational education.