WEBVTT 00:16.984 --> 00:17.971 Good morning, kids. 00:18.143 --> 00:20.887 Good morning, teacher. 00:20.942 --> 00:22.714 Have you finished reading the Journey to the West? 00:22.883 --> 00:23.682 We have. 00:23.818 --> 00:25.311 Are there lots of demons in the Journey to the West? 00:25.311 --> 00:25.930 Yes. 00:25.931 --> 00:27.367 What demons do you remember? 00:28.147 --> 00:30.225 Six Eared Macaque. 00:30.225 --> 00:31.247 White Bone Spirit. 00:31.258 --> 00:33.713 Yellow Wind Demon. 00:33.713 --> 00:35.377 Bull Demon King. 00:35.844 --> 00:37.181 Monkey King. 00:37.193 --> 00:38.298 Monkey King is a demon? 00:38.298 --> 00:38.909 He is. 00:38.909 --> 00:39.392 Is he? 00:39.657 --> 00:40.330 He is. 00:40.524 --> 00:41.830 Today we talked about 00:42.327 --> 00:43.679 the Journey to the West in the class. 00:43.695 --> 00:45.475 After the kids finished reading the book, 00:45.684 --> 00:47.624 we began to study 00:47.624 --> 00:49.072 the demons in it. 00:49.072 --> 00:50.862 There are many demons in the Journey to the West. 00:51.085 --> 00:52.457 It's kind of like 00:52.457 --> 00:53.611 a house of demons. 00:53.611 --> 00:54.676 The book has all kinds of demons. 00:54.676 --> 00:56.168 The book has a mixture of two elements. 00:56.170 --> 00:57.428 One is imagination 00:57.654 --> 00:58.757 and the other is character. 01:00.215 --> 01:04.693 The reason he wants to marry Princess Baihuaxiu 01:04.693 --> 01:07.185 is because he's lonely. 01:07.185 --> 01:09.185 He's so lonely. 01:09.365 --> 01:11.673 He's lonely? Which one? 01:12.324 --> 01:14.062 Are being solitary and loneliness the same? 01:14.062 --> 01:15.999 They're the same. 01:17.009 --> 01:18.176 Actually, they aren't quite the same. 01:18.176 --> 01:19.621 What is being solitary? 01:19.621 --> 01:20.926 Being solitary is being alone. 01:20.926 --> 01:21.778 How about loneliness? 01:21.778 --> 01:23.457 Loneliness is when you feel alone 01:23.457 --> 01:25.569 even when you're with other people. 01:31.128 --> 01:32.566 We're almost at the sports field, right? 01:32.580 --> 01:33.158 Yes. 01:33.158 --> 01:34.896 Let's find a demon in the sports field. 01:34.896 --> 01:37.149 Come on, follow me. 01:38.904 --> 01:41.841 Our class today is sitting in the sports field and observing. 01:41.841 --> 01:43.602 Since this is a natural science class, 01:43.602 --> 01:45.563 we should observe animals. 01:45.765 --> 01:46.952 In the Journey to the West, 01:46.952 --> 01:49.183 a lot of demons come from animals. 01:49.460 --> 01:51.224 I hope the kids will use their imagination 01:51.224 --> 01:52.404 when they see the grasshoppers 01:52.404 --> 01:53.970 and butterflies in the sports field. 01:53.970 --> 01:55.820 And create a demon 01:55.940 --> 01:57.221 that is powerful, 01:57.221 --> 01:59.491 and good at running and jumping, 01:59.491 --> 02:01.462 based on its characteristics. 02:01.640 --> 02:03.492 My cicada 02:03.492 --> 02:06.907 can shed its skin when it runs into an enemy 02:06.907 --> 02:09.097 and is captured. 02:09.320 --> 02:11.336 What do we call that? A crafty escape. 02:11.336 --> 02:12.429 You all know this proverb. 02:12.429 --> 02:13.816 Apart from shedding its skin to escape, 02:13.816 --> 02:14.932 what else can it do? 02:14.932 --> 02:17.464 Its call can brainwash people. 02:17.464 --> 02:18.745 What is it called when you're brainwashed? 02:18.745 --> 02:20.063 A demonic sound piercing your brain. 02:20.311 --> 02:22.682 Actually, imagination comes from observation. 02:22.865 --> 02:24.288 If you observe enough, 02:24.288 --> 02:26.259 your imagination will guide you. 02:26.259 --> 02:29.136 I wanted to combine my class with different fields of study. 02:29.421 --> 02:33.616 Monk Tang Sanzang went on a pilgrimage for Buddhist scriptures with his disciples and a horse, right? 02:33.616 --> 02:34.063 Yes. 02:34.067 --> 02:35.444 Use your fingers 02:35.444 --> 02:37.639 and show me the number of people 02:37.639 --> 02:39.603 who go to the Western Paradise? 02:40.508 --> 02:42.771 Those who show five, hold still. 02:43.153 --> 02:45.017 How smart you are! Five is wrong. 02:45.647 --> 02:47.145 Those who show four, hold still. 02:47.168 --> 02:48.000 Four is also wrong. 02:48.165 --> 02:48.965 One! 02:48.965 --> 02:49.760 Why one? 02:49.760 --> 02:51.655 Because only the monk Tang Sanzang is a person. 02:51.655 --> 02:52.915 Tang Sanzang is a person. 02:52.915 --> 02:55.499 I'll take you to Sun Moon Lake today 02:55.500 --> 02:57.102 to find monk Tang Sanzang. 03:03.006 --> 03:04.039 Tang Sanzang is in Taiwan. 03:04.039 --> 03:06.047 Many people in Taiwan don't know 03:06.047 --> 03:08.430 that a relic of Tang Sanzang's is at Sun Moon Lake. 03:09.029 --> 03:11.686 The class was designed to allow the kids 03:11.686 --> 03:14.812 to learn about Tang Sanzang from Xuanguang Temple. 03:14.812 --> 03:17.037 I then led them through Tang Sanzang's journey. 03:18.820 --> 03:19.877 Right here. 03:20.881 --> 03:21.802 What journey will 03:21.802 --> 03:23.181 we start in a while? 03:23.353 --> 03:24.731 Tang Sanzang's journey. 03:24.731 --> 03:25.848 How far is the journey? 03:25.870 --> 03:28.611 850 meters. 03:31.436 --> 03:34.581 The students completed the simple pilgrimage 03:34.581 --> 03:36.373 after reaching Xuanzang Temple. 03:36.636 --> 03:38.726 Although it was an exhausting process, 03:38.726 --> 03:40.943 it left a deep impression on the kids. 03:47.191 --> 03:48.570 Second bow. 03:49.746 --> 03:51.858 Third bow. 03:52.660 --> 03:54.068 Do you see it? 03:55.762 --> 03:57.238 For this class, 03:57.617 --> 03:59.350 first, the kids must be good at Chinese. 03:59.350 --> 04:01.703 Their Chinese must be good in order to finish the Journey to the West. 04:02.017 --> 04:05.404 Second, they must know their history 04:05.404 --> 04:07.170 to know Tang Sanzang was from the Tang Dynasty. 04:07.464 --> 04:08.878 When we read the map, 04:09.232 --> 04:10.125 we learned geography. 04:10.970 --> 04:12.178 The kids were doing math 04:12.178 --> 04:14.717 when they were on the 850-meter journey. 04:14.717 --> 04:17.082 The class also challenged the kids' physical strength. 04:17.082 --> 04:18.776 They must do well in PE as well. 04:18.776 --> 04:19.733 So, you see, 04:19.733 --> 04:23.903 the class has a mixture of math, history, language, and PE. 04:23.903 --> 04:25.878 Isn't it just interdisciplinary study? 04:26.051 --> 04:27.432 This pavilion 04:27.432 --> 04:30.763 shows what Tang Sanzang 04:30.763 --> 04:32.816 had done in his life. 04:38.714 --> 04:39.830 Do you see the Buddha? 04:39.830 --> 04:40.364 We do. 04:40.364 --> 04:41.888 How many Buddhas do you see? 04:41.888 --> 04:43.027 Many. 04:43.087 --> 04:44.120 Do you see Mazu? 04:44.120 --> 04:45.476 No. 04:45.562 --> 04:46.582 Why isn't Mazu here? 04:46.585 --> 04:48.256 It's because she wasn't born in the Tang Dynasty. 04:48.256 --> 04:49.568 She wasn't born and hadn't become Mazu yet. 04:49.573 --> 04:51.982 Mazu didn't show up until the Song Dynasty. 04:53.561 --> 04:55.628 When I read the Journey to the West before, 04:55.628 --> 04:59.447 I thought Tang Sanzang was cowardly. 04:59.480 --> 05:00.788 But after my trip to 05:00.800 --> 05:01.916 Sun Moon Lake today, 05:01.939 --> 05:04.515 I realized that Tang Sanzang was a real person. 05:04.515 --> 05:06.371 He was a very brave person. 05:07.042 --> 05:09.577 I'd rather to die moving forward 05:09.594 --> 05:11.161 then to live turning back. 05:11.263 --> 05:12.916 He said he rather move forward and die 05:13.076 --> 05:14.958 because he was close to the Western Paradise. 05:15.256 --> 05:16.350 He refused to retreat. 05:16.350 --> 05:18.043 Even if he could go home alive, he refused to turn back. 05:18.222 --> 05:19.511 I think he was amazing 05:19.511 --> 05:22.493 because his journey lasted 19 years. 05:22.493 --> 05:25.984 He even learned Indian. 05:26.439 --> 05:28.309 I think it'd be very hard 05:28.309 --> 05:30.061 for people nowadays to do that. 05:33.852 --> 05:37.543 Our school is on the outskirts of the city. 05:37.543 --> 05:40.293 So our kids don't have much cultural stimuli. 05:40.570 --> 05:42.106 During this teaching process, 05:42.106 --> 05:44.938 my ability has improved, so have my students' ability. 05:44.938 --> 05:46.346 Teaching and learning indeed go hand in hand. 05:46.346 --> 05:48.603 That's why I love doing this kind of activity with the kids. 05:50.740 --> 05:52.674 The reason I started to write 05:52.674 --> 05:54.336 the Possible Elementary School series 05:54.340 --> 05:56.092 was because a kid in my class 05:56.092 --> 05:56.935 told me that 05:56.935 --> 05:58.850 he always dozed off in social studies class. 05:58.850 --> 05:59.427 Personally, 05:59.427 --> 06:01.444 I had a great time in social studies. 06:01.551 --> 06:03.225 When I studied it, 06:03.236 --> 06:04.269 it was like reading stories. 06:04.791 --> 06:05.729 So I was perplexed 06:05.729 --> 06:07.568 when I heard him saying that. 06:07.828 --> 06:09.004 I then flipped through their textbook. 06:09.099 --> 06:09.967 I found that it's very hard, 06:09.967 --> 06:13.339 because it's written in adult language. 06:13.556 --> 06:15.788 I then wondered if I could make it simpler. 06:15.869 --> 06:16.830 I thought 06:16.830 --> 06:19.796 maybe I could turn textbooks into story books, 06:20.103 --> 06:20.104 on their own 06:20.104 --> 06:23.392 so the kids would want to study the stories on their own 06:23.392 --> 06:25.512 after reading my books. 06:25.685 --> 06:27.887 If the kids wanted to know more about the content after finishing reading, 06:27.887 --> 06:29.453 their motivation would be activated. 06:29.583 --> 06:30.983 This is more important than teachers 06:30.983 --> 06:34.075 telling kids what to mark for an exam. 06:34.075 --> 06:36.466 And the knowledge will stay with them forever. 06:38.233 --> 06:41.405 I used to hate history. 06:41.405 --> 06:43.163 I felt that some history wasn't real 06:43.163 --> 06:45.174 so I didn't want to know it. 06:45.174 --> 06:48.452 But under our teacher's teaching, 06:48.453 --> 06:51.813 I began to feel history is very important. 06:53.576 --> 06:55.241 The authors of children's literature are very important. 06:55.241 --> 06:56.835 If you know how to make 06:56.835 --> 06:58.551 books enjoyable and educational, 06:58.552 --> 07:00.386 and to be accepted by the kids, 07:00.386 --> 07:02.383 you'll be able to teach many wonderful things. 07:09.458 --> 07:11.037 Learning doesn't only exist in the classroom; 07:11.037 --> 07:12.539 instead, it exists everywhere in our lives. 07:12.539 --> 07:14.324 As long as you're willing to find it, 07:14.324 --> 07:16.409 everything is possible in the future.