WEBVTT 00:19.352 --> 00:22.489 The sunset puts on its golden silk 00:22.489 --> 00:25.325 The sunset puts on its golden silk 00:25.325 --> 00:29.129 I sit on the straw pile 00:29.129 --> 00:33.199 with my eyes glued on the blue shadow on the court 00:43.410 --> 00:46.813 You have heard me reading aloud. 00:46.813 --> 00:50.784 Have you noticed that no one shows up in the beginning ? 00:50.784 --> 00:52.519 Instead, the scenery appears first. 00:52.519 --> 00:54.654 It's like watching a movie. 00:54.654 --> 00:55.989 When it's sunset, 00:55.989 --> 00:59.459 it brings calmness. 00:59.459 --> 01:01.528 When we see waves, 01:01.528 --> 01:05.098 they might cause turbulent emotions in us, 01:05.098 --> 01:09.002 which indicates the opening of the movie. 01:09.002 --> 01:11.738 For me, I used an aesthetics approach. 01:11.738 --> 01:14.107 For example, I see the beautiful sunset. 01:14.107 --> 01:15.675 After the sunset appears, 01:15.675 --> 01:19.746 I see the prince of my dream 01:19.746 --> 01:22.649 and then I see him playing basketball. 01:22.649 --> 01:25.919 This is a developing process. 01:27.520 --> 01:29.122 Speaking of this section, 01:29.122 --> 01:31.724 you must be very interested. 01:31.724 --> 01:35.161 Nowadays, 01:35.161 --> 01:36.196 it's common for boys and girls 01:36.196 --> 01:38.631 to chat and play together, 01:38.631 --> 01:40.700 but back to the day, 01:40.700 --> 01:42.902 boys and girls couldn't talk to each other. 01:42.902 --> 01:44.771 Our teachers said we couldn't. 01:44.771 --> 01:46.840 But we were junior high school students already. 01:46.840 --> 01:48.942 I think I started 01:48.942 --> 01:50.543 to pay attention to boys 01:50.543 --> 01:53.346 in third or fourth grade. 01:53.346 --> 01:55.849 I paid attentions to boys who got good grades 01:55.849 --> 01:58.485 or were good at telling stories. 01:58.485 --> 02:00.653 When I was in junior high, 02:00.653 --> 02:02.689 I think I wasn't the only one, 02:02.689 --> 02:07.127 all girls in my class admired this blue shadow 02:07.127 --> 02:09.662 because he was our PE team leader. 02:09.662 --> 02:12.799 He looked so handsome when he was exercising. 02:12.799 --> 02:14.300 He was so energetic. 02:14.300 --> 02:15.735 His face was rosy-red 02:15.735 --> 02:17.270 and he was so fit. 02:17.270 --> 02:21.174 It was how I felt about him. 02:21.174 --> 02:23.710 After I became a writer, 02:23.710 --> 02:27.180 I started to look for themes. 02:27.180 --> 02:29.149 I think this story 02:29.149 --> 02:31.951 is very suitable for kids today 02:31.951 --> 02:36.189 because they would understand how I felt. 02:45.131 --> 02:46.966 Anyone 02:46.966 --> 02:48.268 who is attentive, 02:48.268 --> 02:51.337 would develop the habit of observation. 02:51.337 --> 02:53.439 That's why I always have 02:53.439 --> 02:56.976 a small notebook in my handbag. 02:56.976 --> 02:58.811 When I see something, 02:58.811 --> 03:00.313 be it a person 03:00.313 --> 03:02.015 or an animal, 03:02.015 --> 03:04.584 anything that I feel something about, 03:04.584 --> 03:07.220 I would write it down 03:07.220 --> 03:09.489 how I felt at the time. 03:09.489 --> 03:13.626 So I often observe 03:13.626 --> 03:15.094 everything in my daily life. 03:15.094 --> 03:17.697 I also like to watch people's eyes. 03:17.697 --> 03:19.399 I watch their eyes showing their joy, 03:19.399 --> 03:21.301 anger, or doubt. 03:21.301 --> 03:24.270 Of course, I think reading is very important, 03:24.270 --> 03:26.206 but observation is even more so. 03:26.206 --> 03:28.474 You can observe in your daily life. 03:28.474 --> 03:31.911 Lastly, I believe you should look up words in a dictionary. 03:31.911 --> 03:34.514 The computer won't teach you how to write. 03:34.514 --> 03:37.350 You will learn a lot of words and write 03:37.350 --> 03:41.421 flowing articles if you look things up in a dictionary. 03:47.760 --> 03:50.463 May I ask what questions you would like to ask me ? 03:50.463 --> 03:52.732 Why did you want to be a writer ? 03:52.732 --> 03:55.635 Why did I want to be a writer ? 03:55.635 --> 03:58.404 You want to develop what you like the most. 03:58.404 --> 04:00.974 Do it better than others 04:00.974 --> 04:02.809 Then you will have an opportunity (to be a writer) 04:02.809 --> 04:04.677 and also become a journalist. 04:04.677 --> 04:06.913 When you are a journalist and interview a person 04:06.913 --> 04:08.848 you ask questions and he will answers your questions immediately 04:08.848 --> 04:10.583 Unlike nowadays, where you can use a recorder, 04:10.583 --> 04:12.852 journalists in the past had to take notes all the time. 04:16.856 --> 04:19.192 I am a journalist 04:19.192 --> 04:22.228 since I studied journalism. 04:22.228 --> 04:26.432 I've gained a lot of life experience, 04:26.432 --> 04:28.334 views, 04:28.334 --> 04:30.370 and other things as a journalist. 04:30.370 --> 04:31.337 Including, 04:31.337 --> 04:32.639 especially people. 04:32.639 --> 04:35.775 We have toengage in conversation. 04:35.775 --> 04:38.478 How to ask questions is very important. 04:38.478 --> 04:41.547 Schools today offer courses that 04:41.547 --> 04:46.085 ask students to do interviews 04:46.085 --> 04:47.620 and write down those 04:47.620 --> 04:51.391 important people's experiences. 04:51.391 --> 04:53.559 My first recommendation is 04:53.559 --> 04:55.995 to gather all the information 04:55.995 --> 04:58.765 otherwise you won't know how to ask questions. 04:58.765 --> 05:01.134 What information should you gather ? 05:01.134 --> 05:06.139 Gather information that's related to your topic. 05:06.139 --> 05:08.241 When you're doing an interview, 05:08.241 --> 05:11.010 you have to establish a topic, 05:11.010 --> 05:13.813 instead of asking aimless questions. 05:13.813 --> 05:15.148 When you ask the wrong questions, 05:15.148 --> 05:17.116 the person won't be able to answer them. 05:17.116 --> 05:18.318 So you should 05:18.318 --> 05:20.620 ask your questions 05:20.620 --> 05:22.922 in order. 05:22.922 --> 05:24.590 You can then ask additional questions. 05:24.590 --> 05:28.161 For example, when an old lady answers a question, 05:28.161 --> 05:29.796 but you don't get it clearly 05:29.796 --> 05:32.832 because it's a partial answer. 05:32.832 --> 05:35.268 You will need to ask her why. 05:35.268 --> 05:37.203 I think asking “why” is very important. 05:37.203 --> 05:39.339 You ask your questions 05:39.339 --> 05:41.140 in order, 05:41.140 --> 05:43.476 which will help you to complete the opening, 05:43.476 --> 05:47.513 development, change, and conclusion of your manuscript.