WEBVTT 00:16.082 --> 00:17.550 "Whale River" 00:17.550 --> 00:21.855 If I draw a whale on the moon 00:21.855 --> 00:25.492 will whales sing 00:25.492 --> 00:28.795 in the rivers on which the moon is shining 00:44.811 --> 00:45.645 I think writing poems for children 00:45.645 --> 00:48.415 means seeing the world from a child’s mind 00:48.415 --> 00:49.649 You look at the surroundings that we’re accustomed to 00:49.649 --> 00:51.885 with a fresh eye 00:51.885 --> 00:53.420 You use the least sentences 00:53.420 --> 00:54.788 to capture 00:54.788 --> 00:58.158 and present interesting thoughts 00:58.158 --> 01:00.493 or moving emotions 02:08.695 --> 02:09.229 Because inspiration 02:09.229 --> 02:10.864 is a gift from god 02:10.864 --> 02:12.732 I don’t know when they’ll show up 02:13.099 --> 02:14.334 So, I usually 02:14.334 --> 02:16.836 stick out my inspiration antenna 02:17.737 --> 02:18.738 What I see 02:18.738 --> 02:19.539 hear 02:19.539 --> 02:20.507 and think 02:20.507 --> 02:22.675 will be captured and filtered 02:22.675 --> 02:23.643 by my inspiration antenna 02:23.810 --> 02:25.311 If I think something is wonderful 02:26.112 --> 02:27.213 I write it down 02:27.413 --> 02:28.414 I have three notebooks 02:28.748 --> 02:29.983 I bring one with me 02:31.684 --> 02:34.020 When I'm thinking of something on the road 02:34.020 --> 02:34.888 I write it down 02:34.888 --> 02:36.389 I also put a notebook next to my bed 02:36.823 --> 02:38.858 When I’m very into my writing 02:38.858 --> 02:39.526 For example 02:39.526 --> 02:41.928 when I wrote "picture poem Forest of Words" 02:42.562 --> 02:44.631 I often dreamed of 02:44.898 --> 02:46.065 pictures, verses 02:46.266 --> 02:47.233 and ideas 02:47.233 --> 02:48.668 When I thought of 02:49.269 --> 02:50.503 an idea in the middle of night 02:50.503 --> 02:50.970 I’d 02:51.704 --> 02:52.472 grab the notebook 02:52.472 --> 02:53.640 and write it down in a hurry 02:54.474 --> 02:55.341 I’ve noticed that 02:55.341 --> 02:56.676 when I really wanted to write 02:56.676 --> 02:57.644 or when I was very into it 02:57.644 --> 02:59.012 I’d have endless inspiration 02:59.546 --> 03:01.614 For example, when I wrote "Poem of Words" 03:01.614 --> 03:02.582 I was walking on the street 03:02.582 --> 03:03.716 and the words 03:03.716 --> 03:04.918 on business signs 03:05.285 --> 03:06.686 bus stops 03:06.953 --> 03:08.254 fliers 03:08.254 --> 03:09.422 seemed to talk 03:09.422 --> 03:10.390 and wave to me 03:10.823 --> 03:11.891 saying "Write me 03:11.891 --> 03:13.359 There’s a story 03:13.359 --> 03:14.427 and ideas hidden here 03:14.761 --> 03:16.462 and they contain wonderful emotion" 03:16.996 --> 03:17.730 I feel 03:17.730 --> 03:18.698 that when I 03:18.965 --> 03:20.700 throw myself into writing 03:20.700 --> 03:22.368 inspirations will 03:22.669 --> 03:23.636 continuously pop up 03:23.836 --> 03:24.837 all around me 04:11.784 --> 04:12.952 To increase your creativity and imagination 04:12.952 --> 04:13.920 the first thing is 04:13.920 --> 04:15.221 to read as much as you can 04:16.189 --> 04:17.824 Writing is a type of production 04:18.324 --> 04:20.693 It’s like how silkworms must eat mulberry leaves before they can have silk 04:20.994 --> 04:22.161 So we must read as much as we can 04:23.096 --> 04:25.131 let other people's creativity activate our creativity 04:26.065 --> 04:27.133 and let other people’s imaginations 04:27.333 --> 04:28.334 and emotions 04:28.334 --> 04:30.803 rouse our imagination and emotions 04:31.004 --> 04:32.138 So you must read a lot 04:32.138 --> 04:33.406 What should you read 04:33.573 --> 04:36.075 You can read books written by authors you like 04:36.242 --> 04:37.143 and see what methods 04:37.143 --> 04:38.411 they use to 04:38.544 --> 04:39.879 make their stories so attractive 04:40.113 --> 04:42.248 Or you can find the type of books you like 04:42.248 --> 04:43.283 such as detective books 04:43.283 --> 04:44.517 suspense books 04:44.717 --> 04:45.718 and lyrical books 04:46.252 --> 04:47.120 You can read books 04:47.120 --> 04:48.755 that attract you 04:49.822 --> 04:51.858 After you find the books 04:51.991 --> 04:53.359 you can realize their ideas in everyday life 04:53.626 --> 04:54.627 For instance 04:54.961 --> 04:56.095 you can find a notebook 04:57.630 --> 04:58.631 and write down 04:58.631 --> 04:59.098 things that happen in your life 04:59.098 --> 05:01.334 special emotions 05:02.502 --> 05:03.503 meaningful trips 05:04.270 --> 05:06.339 or special memory 05:06.439 --> 05:08.207 that are worth writing 05:08.775 --> 05:09.776 in the notebook 05:09.976 --> 05:10.977 You don’t need to write a lot 05:10.977 --> 05:12.278 You can use a picture 05:12.278 --> 05:13.246 a drawing 05:13.246 --> 05:14.213 a short poem 05:14.614 --> 05:16.115 or some simple sentences 05:16.115 --> 05:17.383 and record a 05:17.850 --> 05:18.818 wonderful day 05:18.818 --> 05:19.786 and special emotions 05:20.620 --> 05:22.388 Write down things that you feel something about 05:22.388 --> 05:23.356 Things that you really 05:23.356 --> 05:25.024 want to write down 05:25.258 --> 05:26.359 After doing this 05:26.359 --> 05:27.160 once or twice 05:27.160 --> 05:28.127 the more time you write 05:28.194 --> 05:29.095 you will gradually write longer 05:29.095 --> 05:30.063 and more stories 05:30.063 --> 05:32.198 Naturally, your writing skill 05:32.198 --> 05:33.166 and imagination 05:33.166 --> 05:35.435 will flourish 05:35.601 --> 05:37.437 Most importantly, you must remember 05:37.437 --> 05:39.505 that you must be happy when you’re writing 05:40.106 --> 05:41.341 You need to face your writing 05:41.841 --> 05:43.543 like playing a game 05:43.543 --> 05:45.345 Creativity is fun 05:45.345 --> 05:47.380 and writing is like writing homework 05:47.814 --> 05:48.348 So 05:49.215 --> 05:50.316 write down 05:50.316 --> 05:52.251 things that you 05:52.251 --> 05:53.419 feel deeply about 05:53.419 --> 05:54.387 or are fun 05:54.387 --> 05:55.588 When you’re happy while writing 05:55.955 --> 05:56.956 When you’re happy 05:57.390 --> 05:58.491 it’s like playing a game 05:58.491 --> 06:00.259 and inspiration will pop up continuously 06:06.466 --> 06:07.900 To me, writing 06:08.368 --> 06:10.536 is linking my imagination with the world 06:10.903 --> 06:12.572 I’m happy when I write 06:12.839 --> 06:13.773 so I hope 06:13.773 --> 06:15.942 people feel happy when they read my books 06:17.243 --> 06:19.145 When children can 06:19.145 --> 06:21.013 move with the stories 06:21.013 --> 06:21.981 and grow up with the stories 06:21.981 --> 06:23.883 I think it’s a wonderful thing 06:24.117 --> 06:26.719 I hope when kids are reading 06:26.719 --> 06:28.254 they can learn the ability 06:28.254 --> 06:30.523 to relax themselves and the world 06:32.325 --> 06:34.861 We live in a unitary world 06:34.861 --> 06:36.162 but every single act of creativity 06:36.162 --> 06:37.130 and every book 06:37.130 --> 06:38.364 is an expression of the imagination 06:38.364 --> 06:39.999 and the beginning of a new world 06:40.666 --> 06:42.568 I hope when kids are reading 06:42.735 --> 06:43.836 they will learn that