WEBVTT 00:16.383 --> 00:17.751 race 00:17.751 --> 00:19.319 The track lines 00:19.319 --> 00:21.254 are the staff 00:21.254 --> 00:22.789 We’re jumping notes 00:22.789 --> 00:24.524 running on the track 00:24.524 --> 00:25.825 The waves of cheering 00:25.825 --> 00:26.793 are from the teachers 00:26.793 --> 00:28.395 and parents 00:28.395 --> 00:29.529 The rising and falling sound 00:29.529 --> 00:31.531 is the students’ shrieking 00:31.531 --> 00:32.932 The accidental fall 00:32.932 --> 00:34.968 is only a short rest note 00:34.968 --> 00:36.336 Get up and keep running 00:36.336 --> 00:38.238 The music isn’t over yet 00:38.238 --> 00:39.906 At the end of the music 00:39.906 --> 00:41.074 there are sounds of laughter 00:41.074 --> 00:42.475 sighing 00:42.475 --> 00:43.710 and most of all 00:43.710 --> 00:45.445 their applause for us 00:49.516 --> 00:51.885 My favorite part is “The accidental fall 00:51.885 --> 00:53.920 is only a short rest note 00:53.920 --> 00:54.988 Get up and keep running 00:54.988 --> 00:56.623 The music isn’t over yet 00:56.623 --> 00:57.824 Because the sentence makes me believe 00:57.824 --> 01:00.226 that if I fall accidentally 01:00.226 --> 01:01.995 in a race 01:01.995 --> 01:02.962 I wouldn’t give up 01:02.962 --> 01:03.963 It also makes me feel that 01:03.963 --> 01:06.399 I might still be able to beat 01:06.399 --> 01:08.334 those who are ahead of me 01:08.334 --> 01:09.669 and win first place 01:22.148 --> 01:23.149 I became 01:23.149 --> 01:24.551 a writer 01:24.551 --> 01:25.752 after this book 01:26.319 --> 01:27.320 One time 01:27.320 --> 01:28.121 at an airport 01:28.121 --> 01:29.089 I saw 01:29.089 --> 01:29.889 a scene 01:30.190 --> 01:31.591 which gave me a lot of inspiration 01:32.058 --> 01:33.059 What scene was it 01:33.326 --> 01:35.095 A flight was delayed 01:35.095 --> 01:36.329 There were a lot of kids 01:36.329 --> 01:37.564 and their parents waiting for the plane 01:37.931 --> 01:38.631 The kids saw 01:38.631 --> 01:39.332 a toy spider 01:39.332 --> 01:40.633 at a book store in the airport 01:41.101 --> 01:42.268 They had no idea what it was 01:42.268 --> 01:43.336 But I knew 01:43.937 --> 01:44.971 I told them 01:44.971 --> 01:45.939 Hi 01:45.939 --> 01:46.940 if you shout at it loudly 01:46.940 --> 01:48.575 it’ll come down and climb up again 01:48.575 --> 01:49.542 I wrote a poem 01:49.542 --> 01:50.543 about what happened and submitted to a publisher 01:50.543 --> 01:51.878 It was rejected 01:53.379 --> 01:54.747 I changed the poem to an article 01:55.615 --> 01:56.249 and submitted it 01:56.249 --> 01:57.217 It was rejected again 01:58.485 --> 01:59.752 I changed it to a story 01:59.752 --> 02:00.386 and submitted it 02:00.386 --> 02:01.354 It was rejected once again 02:04.290 --> 02:04.824 It’s okay 02:04.824 --> 02:06.292 I went to work in the daytime 02:06.292 --> 02:08.027 and I wrote at night out of boredom 02:08.361 --> 02:08.995 One day 02:08.995 --> 02:09.963 when I was reading the newspaper 02:10.230 --> 02:11.131 I saw 02:11.131 --> 02:12.031 that it said inside a tiny square 02:12.031 --> 02:12.999 that the Mandarin Daily News was looking 02:13.967 --> 02:16.236 or submissions for a children’s story contest 02:16.236 --> 02:16.603 It’s called 02:16.603 --> 02:18.104 Mudi Children's Literature Award 02:18.872 --> 02:19.606 And 02:20.440 --> 02:21.741 it had to be at least 4,500 characters 02:23.476 --> 02:24.677 My story started out 02:24.677 --> 02:25.912 as a poem, and became a 1,000-character article 02:25.912 --> 02:27.046 and then a 1,200-character story 02:27.046 --> 02:28.281 The requirement was 4,500 characters 02:28.982 --> 02:30.250 and the deadline 02:30.250 --> 02:31.217 was three days away 02:32.018 --> 02:32.519 I thought since 02:32.519 --> 02:33.486 I had nothing else to do after work 02:33.653 --> 02:35.288 So, I changed my 1,200-character story 02:35.288 --> 02:36.256 to a 4,500-character story 02:36.256 --> 02:38.591 I met the character requirement and submitted it 02:39.259 --> 02:40.293 I won third place 02:40.293 --> 02:41.761 and received NT$80,000 02:42.829 --> 02:44.297 For “Mr. Squirrel’s Bread” 02:44.297 --> 02:45.398 it tells the story of 02:45.865 --> 02:46.499 Mr. Squirrel 02:47.534 --> 02:48.735 who sticks it out 02:48.735 --> 02:49.702 even after constant failures 02:49.702 --> 02:51.037 In his last attempt 02:52.572 --> 02:53.206 people tell him 02:53.206 --> 02:53.573 he only 02:54.641 --> 02:55.775 has one last piece of dough left 02:55.775 --> 02:56.509 or something like that 02:56.509 --> 02:57.143 He still 02:57.844 --> 02:58.845 soldiers on 02:59.312 --> 03:00.013 He then 03:01.014 --> 03:01.648 finds out that 03:02.015 --> 03:03.850 his tears are the key 03:08.454 --> 03:09.722 I submitted my stories to Mandarin Daily News 03:09.722 --> 03:10.690 They were published 03:10.690 --> 03:11.491 and I received money 03:11.491 --> 03:12.525 which I used to buy chocolate 03:13.593 --> 03:15.228 I think his stories 03:15.228 --> 03:16.696 especially emphasize 03:16.696 --> 03:18.965 enthusiasm, angst 03:18.965 --> 03:21.000 and sadness 03:21.301 --> 03:22.035 And 03:22.035 --> 03:23.002 especially in 03:23.236 --> 03:25.972 “Spicy Teachers” 03:25.972 --> 03:28.975 in which Teacher Wasabi and Teacher Chili 03:28.975 --> 03:33.246 can’t stop their tears 03:33.246 --> 03:36.182 in a contest 03:36.182 --> 03:37.850 I think it’s very funny 03:38.351 --> 03:40.253 The context is full of 03:40.553 --> 03:42.288 Because food is closely connected with our lives 03:42.922 --> 03:43.923 it's full of 03:43.923 --> 03:46.125 material I can use 03:46.726 --> 03:47.460 So, in volume three 03:47.460 --> 03:48.661 I wrote “Spicy Teachers” 03:48.661 --> 03:49.963 Why 03:49.963 --> 03:51.598 Because Teacher Wasabi and Teacher Chili 03:51.598 --> 03:52.565 compete to see who is spicier 03:52.565 --> 03:53.700 One good thing about children’s books 03:53.700 --> 03:54.667 is that I can 03:54.667 --> 03:57.103 present my characters 03:57.303 --> 03:58.271 in a non-human 03:59.572 --> 04:01.708 approach 04:02.275 --> 04:03.876 So, in “Spicy Teachers” 04:04.377 --> 04:07.046 it’s very natural to have 04:07.046 --> 04:09.015 Teacher Wasabi and Teacher Chili interpret the story 04:10.083 --> 04:11.584 Of course, it has a double meanings 04:11.584 --> 04:12.885 which are 04:14.020 --> 04:14.921 the spiciness of chili 04:14.921 --> 04:15.622 and 04:15.922 --> 04:18.458 the beautiful appearance 04:18.458 --> 04:19.993 of the teachers 04:35.975 --> 04:37.443 The most important 04:38.678 --> 04:39.712 writing skill 04:39.712 --> 04:41.147 is to have a critical eye 04:42.415 --> 04:43.616 After you finish a composition 04:43.816 --> 04:46.486 erase your name and change it to 04:47.287 --> 04:48.888 the name of the person you dislike the most 04:49.389 --> 04:51.024 You can then use your critical eye 04:51.024 --> 04:53.359 to find faults 04:53.760 --> 04:55.295 After you find all the faults 04:55.295 --> 04:56.462 correct them 04:56.462 --> 04:57.430 and put back your name 04:58.064 --> 05:00.466 How do you get a critical eye 05:00.466 --> 05:01.501 You need to read a lot 05:02.802 --> 05:03.536 The reason 05:03.536 --> 05:05.738 Otherwise how would you know what direction 05:05.938 --> 05:08.074 to go when you make a correction 05:08.074 --> 05:09.042 For sure you will make the correction 05:09.442 --> 05:10.576 based on your wonderful 05:10.743 --> 05:12.645 previous reading experiences 05:13.079 --> 05:15.348 in which 05:15.348 --> 05:17.450 the story might be funny 05:17.917 --> 05:18.885 or sad 05:19.485 --> 05:20.520 or outraged 05:20.620 --> 05:22.355 As long as it can stir up your emotions 05:23.056 --> 05:24.190 you can apply 05:24.190 --> 05:26.793 your wonderful reading experiences 05:27.226 --> 05:28.061 when you read 05:28.061 --> 05:29.028 someone else's work 05:29.028 --> 05:30.263 not yours 05:30.496 --> 05:31.798 and see if you have the same experience 05:32.332 --> 05:33.333 If not 05:33.333 --> 05:34.634 keep finding faults 05:34.634 --> 05:35.601 and figure out where the problems are 05:36.402 --> 05:37.403 You’ll realize 05:38.738 --> 05:40.306 the work you’re correcting 05:40.306 --> 05:42.675 feels the same 05:43.209 --> 05:44.210 as a wonderful work you read before 05:44.577 --> 05:45.578 When you get a similar feeling 05:46.045 --> 05:47.714 then you’re almost there 05:48.314 --> 05:49.282 Sometimes 05:49.515 --> 05:50.516 when you reread a favorite book 05:50.883 --> 05:51.884 after a while 05:52.251 --> 05:53.686 you’ll find out you notice 05:53.686 --> 05:55.154 something you didn’t read before 05:56.122 --> 05:57.657 I believe a lot of kids have this experience 05:57.657 --> 05:59.292 They like to read a book repeatedly 05:59.292 --> 06:00.259 A book that they don’t 06:00.259 --> 06:01.227 get tired of reading 06:01.227 --> 06:02.562 I believe why they don’t get tired of it 06:02.562 --> 06:03.930 is because they notice something 06:04.330 --> 06:05.865 they didn’t read the previous time they read it 06:09.335 --> 06:11.104 I think the mysterious principal 06:11.504 --> 06:13.072 is similar to the character I created 06:13.272 --> 06:14.307 Like earlier 06:15.241 --> 06:16.242 at school, I asked the kids 06:16.542 --> 06:18.144 what characters should show up 06:18.144 --> 06:19.912 in the next volume 06:20.179 --> 06:21.147 They would tell me what they thought 06:21.147 --> 06:21.914 Right 06:21.914 --> 06:22.882 I could then apply their ideas in my works 06:23.416 --> 06:24.917 I become a mysterious principal 06:25.618 --> 06:26.753 who steals ideas 06:27.253 --> 06:28.221 from the kids 06:41.134 --> 06:42.602 Sometimes when I run out of ideas 06:42.969 --> 06:44.370 and want to find new characters 06:44.637 --> 06:45.838 I go to a night market 06:45.838 --> 06:46.939 For example, at a night market 06:46.939 --> 06:47.907 I see oyster omelets 06:47.907 --> 06:48.875 shrimp omelets 06:48.875 --> 06:49.876 calamari omelets 06:50.076 --> 06:50.877 and stuff like that 06:50.877 --> 06:51.978 Also guava with licorice root powder 06:52.245 --> 06:52.779 sausages 06:52.779 --> 06:53.579 Taiwanese sausage with sticky rice 06:53.579 --> 06:54.414 and stinky tofu 06:54.414 --> 06:55.381 I put all of those 06:55.381 --> 06:57.116 in my stories 06:57.550 --> 06:58.551 When the kids read them 06:59.185 --> 06:59.786 they also 06:59.786 --> 07:00.253 feel 07:00.553 --> 07:02.021 those are things are in their daily lives 07:02.321 --> 07:03.289 It is more fun 07:03.289 --> 07:03.990 and interesting 07:03.990 --> 07:04.724 when they read the stories 07:12.131 --> 07:13.933 Literature is the art of language 07:14.133 --> 07:15.668 Art is wisdom 07:16.302 --> 07:17.837 Wisdom comes from life 07:18.137 --> 07:19.405 Life can be read 07:20.440 --> 07:22.375 Put in more effort. Reading is good for you