WEBVTT 00:16.229 --> 00:18.533 Why are you in there? You’re not a rat. 00:18.725 --> 00:20.645 I won’t eat the things in here. 00:21.093 --> 00:22.245 Oh. What is this? 00:22.501 --> 00:24.933 This is a grain store, or “kubar.” 00:25.253 --> 00:27.237 What are the stone tablets for? 00:27.365 --> 00:29.925 They are for stopping rats. 00:29.989 --> 00:32.549 Because rats climb the supports 00:32.677 --> 00:35.237 and get in and eat things. 00:35.301 --> 00:37.285 So these prevent them from climbing. 00:38.565 --> 00:40.613 For the sake of cultural education 00:40.869 --> 00:42.789 I hope to create a traditional 00:42.917 --> 00:45.989 tribal living environment for the kids 00:46.373 --> 00:51.173 to take part in and learn how things work. 00:53.861 --> 00:55.717 Tu Chun, what’s this? 00:55.909 --> 00:57.381 This is a taro oven, or “leku.” 00:57.893 --> 00:59.045 It’s for baking taro. 00:59.109 --> 01:00.901 Because our grain store 01:00.965 --> 01:02.373 can’t store food 01:02.501 --> 01:05.189 like a refrigerator, food that’s wet. 01:05.253 --> 01:08.261 It must be baked dry before it goes in the barn. 01:11.205 --> 01:12.677 What’s this? 01:12.741 --> 01:15.850 A hunting lodge -- “katapavan.” 01:16.709 --> 01:18.821 What does this building have? 01:18.927 --> 01:22.063 There’s bamboo, and stone slates. 01:22.127 --> 01:26.927 When hunters want to rest while hunting, 01:27.119 --> 01:28.271 they can go inside. 01:29.103 --> 01:31.791 All of humanity’s education and culture 01:31.983 --> 01:34.735 Is for us to pass on the beauty of life. 01:34.991 --> 01:37.423 We don’t say that with what we’re doing 01:37.487 --> 01:40.559 we can produce some extraordinary 01:40.623 --> 01:42.159 achievements and effects. 01:42.415 --> 01:43.951 But if you don’t do it, 01:44.079 --> 01:46.319 then it is something that cannot happen. 01:59.951 --> 02:00.783 I perform this action. 02:00.911 --> 02:02.703 These 15 altar stones, 02:02.895 --> 02:04.047 I’ve got them all in place. 02:04.111 --> 02:05.647 I take these 02:05.711 --> 02:09.743 to call the gods to come to this place. 02:13.583 --> 02:15.759 In tribal culture, all things have a spirit. 02:16.207 --> 02:18.895 These two years, at the start of the semester, 02:18.959 --> 02:21.199 we especially perform this kind of ritual 02:21.327 --> 02:23.375 so the kids understand everywhere on earth, 02:23.503 --> 02:24.975 every kind of thing 02:25.103 --> 02:26.959 exists together with us. 02:27.407 --> 02:30.415 So we must have humility, gratitude, 02:30.479 --> 02:32.911 and a mindset to sustain and protect. 02:38.095 --> 02:41.999 Today’s task is raising a slate house 02:42.191 --> 02:45.711 then afterwards setting traps around it. 02:46.031 --> 02:46.863 But it’s not just about 02:47.119 --> 02:49.679 setting traps, putting up a building. 02:50.063 --> 02:52.047 In indigenous culture, 02:52.239 --> 02:54.223 “gathering” is an important concept. 02:56.399 --> 02:58.319 Harder. (Harder.) 02:58.895 --> 03:00.431 Or it won’t cut through. 03:01.007 --> 03:02.863 Like this. 03:05.295 --> 03:07.151 OK, everyone remember two things. 03:07.215 --> 03:09.583 You must know where to gather, 03:09.711 --> 03:11.600 and what else? (The season.) 03:11.600 --> 03:12.304 The season. 03:13.090 --> 03:14.626 Where you can gather 03:14.626 --> 03:16.098 and in what season you can gather. 03:16.290 --> 03:19.042 You must understand how the whole world works. 03:19.490 --> 03:22.690 We have to understand the whole environment. 03:23.906 --> 03:26.082 When we set up the school, we earnestly 03:26.210 --> 03:27.426 invited tribal elders 03:27.554 --> 03:29.538 to take part in the curriculum’s 03:29.730 --> 03:31.522 development and teaching. 03:31.650 --> 03:32.546 It’s been eight years. 03:32.674 --> 03:33.698 A more important idea -- 03:33.826 --> 03:36.130 tribes in the past didn’t have “school.” 03:36.322 --> 03:39.010 Their way of teaching 03:39.074 --> 03:41.378 was learning directly through daily life. 03:41.570 --> 03:44.834 So the school opens up a new way, 03:45.090 --> 03:47.970 integrating the school with the tribe. 03:48.546 --> 03:51.362 Doing things naturally, this idea is very clear. 03:55.075 --> 03:57.698 Take it yourself, with your hands. 03:58.017 --> 03:59.297 Take it up, be careful. 03:59.553 --> 04:00.577 Keep a safe distance. 04:00.961 --> 04:02.689 Not far enough, you’re too close. 04:03.457 --> 04:05.249 It’s very heavy. 04:05.505 --> 04:09.089 It’s like a test of your strength. 04:10.113 --> 04:11.009 You have to take it like this, 04:11.201 --> 04:12.801 that’s how you keep your balance. 04:13.889 --> 04:16.257 Keep your shoulders straight. 04:16.449 --> 04:17.793 Having the kids carry the stones 04:17.857 --> 04:20.161 is actually a return to their system. 04:20.353 --> 04:21.633 For indigenous people groups, 04:21.697 --> 04:22.977 it’s about working together 04:22.977 --> 04:24.577 and dividing the work. 04:24.705 --> 04:26.497 So when they carry the stones, 04:26.561 --> 04:27.905 they are experiencing how 04:28.225 --> 04:29.633 tribespeople of the past, 04:29.697 --> 04:31.233 how they worked together. 04:31.297 --> 04:33.729 In the process they also come to know 04:33.793 --> 04:37.249 how every object is hard to come by. 04:52.993 --> 04:54.337 Our tribe has many 04:54.465 --> 04:56.449 very knowledgeable elders. 04:56.513 --> 04:58.049 There are writers, artists... 04:58.049 --> 05:00.353 In the last two or three years, 05:00.545 --> 05:02.849 the direction of the curriculum 05:03.041 --> 05:05.153 has in part gradually turned to 05:05.345 --> 05:08.417 teaching and passing on traditional culture. 05:08.545 --> 05:10.081 In this way we understand 05:10.209 --> 05:11.873 why we have to have humility, 05:12.129 --> 05:14.433 have to work together, have to share, 05:14.497 --> 05:16.865 why we have this system of regulations 05:21.729 --> 05:23.585 OK, tribal meeting delegates, 05:23.649 --> 05:25.569 have you discovered any issues 05:25.633 --> 05:27.681 here at the school? 05:27.873 --> 05:28.961 (Bad language.) 05:28.961 --> 05:29.985 Bad language. 05:30.497 --> 05:33.313 How do we improve that? (Communicating.) 05:33.569 --> 05:35.361 How do we communicate that? 05:35.745 --> 05:37.025 With announcements. 05:37.345 --> 05:38.881 Use announcements. 05:39.073 --> 05:40.225 Then what time 05:40.289 --> 05:42.209 would be best to do that? 05:44.001 --> 05:45.025 In assembly. 05:45.345 --> 05:47.265 You could do it in assembly. 05:47.969 --> 05:49.697 Our “tribal meetings” prepare them 05:49.825 --> 05:51.873 to be full members of the tribe in the future. 05:51.937 --> 05:52.769 Because tribal communities 05:52.897 --> 05:55.905 operate with these kind of meetings. 05:56.161 --> 05:58.977 Our kids here, as they grow, 05:59.041 --> 06:00.769 they become senior students 06:00.833 --> 06:03.009 and they have a duty to find out 06:03.137 --> 06:05.313 what issues there might be on campus 06:05.505 --> 06:08.065 and think about how to resolve them. 06:08.193 --> 06:09.921 This is about learning to become 06:09.985 --> 06:12.609 a capable future member of the tribe 06:12.993 --> 06:14.209 through this preparation. 06:14.337 --> 06:17.345 Go! Go! Go! 06:18.689 --> 06:19.905 We hope these kids, 06:19.969 --> 06:21.761 whether they come from communities 06:21.761 --> 06:23.233 in the mountains, by the sea or on the plains, 06:23.361 --> 06:24.897 can see their community 06:25.025 --> 06:27.201 as the place where they grow up. 06:27.713 --> 06:30.977 Students should make a habit to observe 06:31.105 --> 06:33.345 what is happening in the community 06:33.729 --> 06:36.737 and from these surroundings 06:36.801 --> 06:38.593 have an appreciation 06:38.785 --> 06:41.985 that our whole way of life 06:42.049 --> 06:44.161 is a living communal entity. 06:44.289 --> 06:46.145 We can appreciate each other 06:46.273 --> 06:47.361 and help each other, 06:47.553 --> 06:50.369 appreciate others and where we live 06:50.497 --> 06:52.289 and have fulfilling lives, 06:52.481 --> 06:54.337 devoting our abilities. 06:54.785 --> 06:56.385 This is very important.